Monthly Archives: September 2011

Proxmox 2.0 beta released

Martin Maurer sent an email to the Proxmox-users mailing list this morning announcing that a version 2.0 beta ISO had been made available for download.

Here are some links that will provide further information on this latest release:

Roadmap and feature overview:

Preliminary 2.0 documentation:

Community tools (Bugzilla, Git, etc):

Proxmox VE 2.0 beta forum:


I have not had a chance to install a test node using this latest 2.0 beta codebase, however I expect to have a two node cluster up and running in the next week or so, and after I do I will will follow up with another blog post detailing my thoughts.

Thanks again to Martin and Dietmar for all their hard work so far on this great open source project!